Welcome to Huluppu Bookshop,
An enchanted community nurturing soul flight
A womb, a cave, a dwelling place of magic,
where we weave together a dream fantastic.
An abode for the heart,
A home to restart,
A sanctuary for the soul,
A nest to grow old,
A hangout for questing,
A hideout for resting,
A haunt to be charmed,
A castle to be open-armed,

A mansion for communion,
A hearth for re-union,
A joint full of fun,
A whereabouts when day is done.
Intriguing philosophy from the world around,
Romances and poetry likewise abound
Calling all healers, shamans, occultists and more,
Witches, wizards and tricksters galore,
Let’s gather round the Huluppu tree,
For tons of books and tarot cards to see,
Gatherings and sharing and readings and healings,
A room with a view from floor to the ceiling,
Books to the left and books to the right,
Books full of sages, spirits and sprites,
Books to inform and books to delight,
An enchanted community nurturing soul flight!